Body, Vital, Mind, Heart & Soul

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In 1971, Herder and Herder published the book “Songs of the Soul”, Sri Chinmoy‘s 9th book since coming to the West. Later, Sri Chinmoy recorded a reading of many of the talks in this immortal book, and subsequently one of his disciples composed a suite of music as a soundtrack to the reading, which was released as an album, also entitled “Songs of the Soul”.

This episode begins with Sri Chinmoy reciting “Hope”, a poem that embodies the ascending cry of the God-seeker. Then there is a series of recitations where the seeker is talking to each part of the being — body, vital, mind and heart — about their role in life. A beautiful vision of the divine in each human being! 🕉

Creators and Guests

Sri Chinmoy
Sri Chinmoy
Sri Chinmoy’s soul-stirring writings are the source for all of the recitations in this podcast.
Body, Vital, Mind, Heart & Soul
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